Who Is Davos & What Do They Want? | QPOL Issue #38
A brief breakdown of who Davos is and why they suck.
In preparation for a piece I’m working on for Bitcoin Magazine, I drafted out some thoughts on who Davos is and what their goals are, and where they rank on the score card.
Davos, can be characterized as the old-money European oligarchy and globalist aristocracy: Think WEF, Rothschilds, CFR, today’s Neocons/Trotskyites, and similar ilk which share common globalist/communist agendas. They’re deep state globalists both in and outside America. One totem they share is the Mackinder Heartland Theory, from Sir Halford John Mackinder, a British geographer who wrote a paper in 1904 called "The Geographical Pivot of History." The theory states:
Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland.
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island.
Who rules the World Island commands the world.
Mackinder referred to the ‘heartland’ as the "pivot area" and as the core of Eurasia, and considered all of Europe and Asia as the “World Island.”
TL;DR - Davos are malthusian colonialist warmongerers who want the world's resources for themselves. Any prosperous Global South nation or alliance of nations (BRICS) rich in resources and making land referendums in Eastern Europe is in the way of this lofty globalist goal. Their enemy is the sovereigntist plutocratic faction in the United States lead by the Fed and its shareholders, the Major Wall Street banks.
Davos’s goal is to bleed America to bankruptcy through world war so Europe can be the world super power once again. This is how the WEF’s Great Reset of “own nothing and be happy” is achieved. They’ve just gotta kill all the burdensome, normal, happy, middle class people first before they can take all our stuff. However, Davos is up against The Federal Reserve System’s monetary transmission mechanism via the creation of private capital.
Davos understands Europe’s capital markets and governments are much weaker than America’s (just look at how Christine Lagarde is forced to either protect credit spreads or the euro. She can’t do both) and therefore need to default on their debt. Doing so will allow them to collapse their banking system and issue a Central Bank Digital Currency to make Modern Monetary Theory the status quo. Climate change and ESG policy is just a vehicle for them to get to their dystopia. However, Davos needs to force America to collapse before they do so capital flees out of the US and into Europe. Davos wants to be the steward of global capital and take that privilege back from the Fed.
How are they doing?
The recent Munich Security Conference revealed their weakness and desperation. Davos’s war against Russia via Ukraine has become a complete failure. Nearly a quarter of a million Ukrainian soldiers have died. They underestimated Russia’s military power and strategy. Davos’s plan was to attack Russia, but Putin caught wind of it first and invaded before Ukraine could.
Since the war, NATO’s (Davos) efforts to attack and isolate Russia militarily and economically (via sanctions) have failed. In fact, Davos’s actions have only strengthened Russia’s relations with the BRICS nations. China and Russia have never been closer, and this is purely out of the their national need for survival.
The war in Ukraine is the way Davos drags the US to fight their World War III for Europe (as they have with past wars). China’s industrial production is larger than the US and Europe’s industrial production combined. Should Russia need more military resources, China will have their back.
Additionally, President Putin held his National Assembly where he addressed multiple issues highlighting the Russian economy, the war, commenting on global affairs, and cultural issues. Overall, it was an admission that Russia can no longer trust the West.
People expected him to announce a Russian mobilization during the National Assembly, but they won’t mobilize yet. That’s not how they operate. They’re gonna try to bleed Ukraine and NATO dry first in a very cool, calm, collected and strategic manner. Feel like you can’t take Putin for his word or trust anyone? Don’t trust their words. Trust the incentives.
Powell’s Waltz with Putin
An indirect goal of the Fed is to help bleed NATO/Davos out. This is achieved by destroying the Eurodollar system. The EU has no dollar reserves left to leverage up/fractional-reserve-print more money, or at least they’ve been losing them since Powell raised the Reverse Repo facility by 5 bps on June 16th. of 2021 and the US Commercial banks (namely J.P. Morgan) stopped accepting European sovereign debt as collateral in exchange for dollar reserves in 2019, which lead to the repo spasm of that Fall.
Also keep in mind that LIBOR (what Eurodollars are indexed to) is rapidly losing liquidity as the markets begin to admit that Powell is in fact breaking the Fed Put once and for all. They’re pinching pennies over there in Europe as their offshore dollars are drying up, and they may be gone for good as the transition away from LIBOR to SOFR finally takes place come June 30th.
Until then, NATO/WEF/US Neocons will continue to try and drag the US to fight the war against Russia (and then China), by forcing the Fed to monetize the debt to fund war efforts. That only happens if Powell doesn’t bankrupt them fast enough, which he is. That’s why he only raised 25 bps instead of 50. He didn’t need to do 50. The ECB is screwed as is. Plus, he wanted to give US markets a break and ease into going North of 5% FFR.
Also, there won’t be a war the US is involved in at least in the year 2023. Majority of Republicans have said no. The new Republican majority wants their “pound of flesh” as Danielle DiMartino Booth has explained. So, you can thank team Fed/Powell for saving us from going to war this year.
It’s critical to understand how far these people are willing to go, and why Russia may be threatened to “go first” (meaning nukes), like the way they invaded Ukraine before Europe could invade them. Don’t think we could see nuclear war? Think again. It was Zelensky’s request of nuclear armaments that sparked the need for Putin to initially “invade” Ukraine February 24th. 2022.
Incentives matter.
When it comes to Davos, these people are dangerous. They’re losing and they know it. All odds and rational players are against them. The thing about psychopaths like them is psychopaths don’t back down when they’re losing, they double down because they’re drunk on their solipsism. Only time will tell when they finally asphyxiate, rather than wake up from a bad hangover…
~ Phil Gibson
Thanks for this excellent outline.